TC215 Geo-Environmental

Environmental Geotechnics

Host Member Society: Italy

Short name: Geo-Environmental (TC215) - Terms of Reference

GeoWorld GroupEnvironmental Geotechnics (TC215)


TC Report (Last Edition 2006): Environmental Geotechnics


Future Events:

TC 215 Workshop at the XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (August 25, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal).

TC215 Symposium: Fourth International Symposium on "Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics: from theoretical and experimental research to practical applications" (CPEG 4). The Symposium will be organized by the Colorado State University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison and will take place in Denver, Colorado (USA), in 2025.

10th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics: October/November 2027, Kyoto, Japan.


Past Events:

9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics: 25-28 June 2023, Chania, Greece.

TC215 Symposium: Third International Symposium on "Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics: from theoretical and experimental research to practical applications" (CPEG 3). The symposium was organized by Kyoto University (Japan) and was held online on 20-21 October 2021.

TC215 Special Session at 7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils (AP-UNSAT 2019): 23-25 August 2019 in Nagoya, Japan.

8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics: 28th October - 1st November 2018, Hangzhou, China.

TC215 Symposium: Second International Symposium on "Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics: from theoretical and experimental research to practical applications" (CPEG 2): 6-7 September 2017, Leeds (UK).

7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics: 9-14 November 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

TC215 Symposium: "Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics: from theoretical and experimental research to practical applications" (CPEG). 1-3 July 2013, Torino (Italy).

ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk Episode 4: Environmental Geotechnics (TC215)

The fourth episode of International Interactive Technical Talk has just been launched and is supported by TC215. Prof. Takeshi Katsumi, Dr. Nikolo Guarena and Dr. Susmita Sharma are discussing with Dr. Marc Ballouz about "Environmental Geotechnics"

Watch ISSMGE Inter

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Attend the 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics with the support of the ISSMGE Foundation!

The ISSMGE Foundation was created to aid individuals throughout the world to enhance their geotechnical engineering knowledge and practice by providing financial support for participation in technical and professional activities approved by the ISSMGE Foundation.


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3rd International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2020) coming up on October 20-21. Register for free until October 15 2021

The 3rd International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2020), organized by the Japanese Geotechnical Society and the Kyoto University with the support of TC215 Environmental Geotechnics Technical Committee of the International Society for

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Call for Abstract for the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics is out

Call for abstract for the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics which will take place in Hangzhou, China in 2018 ( is out.

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The discipline of Environmental Geotechnics has evolved since its beginnings in the late 1970s to the early 1980s through the adoption and adaptation of geotechnical engineering knowledge to produce practical solutions for problematic environmental situations. The design of low-permeability pollutant barriers, such as waste containment liners and cut-off walls, may be mentioned as an example of the application of geotechnical engineering expertise, which was mainly gained from the design of earth dams and embankments and then refined for environmental purposes. When facing these new challenges, geotechnical engineers understood that knowledge of traditional soil mechanics was a necessary but not sufficient condition to obtain satisfactory results, and they started to broaden their formal education to include chemistry, geochemistry, and groundwater hydrology. The performance of a containment barrier is, in fact, not only related to its mechanical and hydraulic features but also to its ability to limit the mass transport of a pollutant to the groundwater. The need to integrate hydrogeology and civil engineering became apparent. This was followed by a need to integrate polymer engineering into civil engineering and the increase in knowledge needed to apply geosynthetics to waste containment applications effectively. Nowadays, Environmental Geotechnics issues include, among others, waste containment, waste mechanics, the stability of landfill liners and covers, the stability of tailing dams and heap leach pads, the surface containment of lagoons and ponds, soil remediation, contaminated and damaged land reclamation, biologic processes for soil improvement, environmental geochemistry, underground energy exploitation, carbon dioxide sequestration, and nuclear waste disposal.

The term Environmental Geotechnics is sometimes combined or replaced with the more broad-based term Geoenvironmental Engineering to emphasize the multidisciplinary aspects of soil-environmental problems from an engineering perspective. In this context, Geoenvironmental Engineering is commonly meant to indicate the overlap of skills coming not only from a geotechnical engineering background but also from other disciplines, such as groundwater engineering and environmental engineering.

The ISSMGE Technical Committee on Environmental Geotechnics - TC 215 aims to provide a forum for active participation by its members with the view of advancing the state of knowledge in the field of Environmental Geotechnics. It promotes the dissemination of knowledge, research findings and practice in the area of Environmental Geotechnics through close collaboration with ISSMGE TC committees and sister societies TCs.

The quadrennial premier conference organized under the auspices of TC 215 is the International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG). The 1st ICEG took place in Edmonton (Canada) in 1994, and the next upcoming 9th ICEG will be held in Chania, on the island of Crete in Greece, from the 25th to the 28th of June, 2023.

The second event organized under the auspices of TC 215 is the International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG). The 1st CPEG symposium was held in Torino (Italy) in 2013, and the next upcoming 4th CPEG symposium will be held in Denver, Colorado (USA) in 2025.

In 2012 the ISSMGE and TC 215 established the "R. Kerry Rowe Lecture" in recognition of Professor Rowe's impact in the field of Environmental Geotechnics and excellence in scholarly achievements. The lecture is to be given at the opening plenary session of the International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics and is published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.

Moreover, TC 215 promotes special sessions and joint sessions with other TCs (ISSMGE and sister societies) at regional and international conferences; organizes workshops and educational courses; prepares special issues on selected themes for publication in scientific journals; interacts with sister societies to promote new initiatives.

A report entitled Environmental Geotechnics was published online by TC 215 in 2006 and can be downloaded from TC 215 website.

TC 215 encourages the cooperation of members, who share a common interest but have not had the occasion to work together before, to prepare papers to be published in international journals. The papers may be both research papers focused on leading-edge research and state-of-the-art papers. The Authors are invited to acknowledge the support of TC 215 for the preparation of the paper and consider the publication in Open Access.

The TC 215 website provides updated information about publications, webinars and conferences in the field of Environmental Geotechnics and makes available educational material.

TC 215 assists with technical programs of international and regional conferences organized by the ISSMGE and sister societies. It promotes the presentation of the findings of the TC in main sessions and discussion sessions. In addition, it valorizes the R. Kerry Rowe Lecture (TC 215 honour lecture) that is to be given at the opening plenary session of the International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG) and on the occasion of the International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE); the associated paper is also published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.

TC 215 aims to establish cooperation and knowledge exchange with national and international public institutions and government agencies to help provide safe protection of the environment. Promote and recommend TC 215 members' best practice published papers and reports to the industry. Improve the relationship with the industry through joint seminars/workshops. Use the TC 215 website as the vehicle for the delivery of the information needed by the industry.

# Type Full Name Country
1 Chair Andrea Dominijanni Italy
2 Vice Chair Takeshi Katsumi Japan
3 Secretary Kristin Sample-Lord United States
4 Nominated by TC Chair Malek Bouazza Australia
5 Nominated by TC Chair Mario Manassero Italy
6 Nominated by TC Chair Kerry Rowe Canada
7 Nominated by TC Chair Charles Shackelford United States
8 Nominated Member Eugeniusz Koda Poland
9 Nominated Member Yeliz Yukselen Turkey
10 Nominated Member Slobodan Mickovski North Macedonia
11 Nominated Member V.G. OFRIKHTER Russia
12 Nominated Member Joanna Fronczyk Poland
13 Corresponding Member Anumita Mishra India
14 Corresponding Member K. Ravi India
15 Nominated Member H.N. Ramesh India
16 Corresponding Member P. G. Atangana Njock Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
17 Nominated Member John Cowland Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
18 Nominated Member Ali Pak Iran
19 Corresponding Member Giancarlo Flores Japan
20 Nominated Member Tamás Kántor Hungary
21 Nominated Member Stephan Jefferis United Kingdom
22 Nominated Member Douglas I Stewart United Kingdom
23 Corresponding Member Eugene Gallagher United Kingdom
24 Corresponding Member Stefania Bilardi Italy
25 Corresponding Member Nicolò Guarena Italy
26 Corresponding Member Roberto Vassallo Italy
27 Nominated Member Atsushi Takai Japan
28 Corresponding Member Toru Inui Japan
29 Corresponding Member Hideo Komine Japan
30 Corresponding Member Toshifumi Mukunoki Japan
31 Nominated Member Yasutaka Watanabe Japan
32 Nominated Member Hyunwook Choo South Korea
33 Nominated Member Han-Yong Jeon South Korea
34 Nominated Member Asli YALCIN DAYIOGLU Turkey
35 Corresponding Member Xiaohui Chen United Kingdom
36 Corresponding Member Shi-Jin Feng China
37 Corresponding Member Hongxin Chen China
38 Nominated Member Kazem Badv Iran
39 Nominated Member MARCO MONTORO Argentina
40 Nominated Member Dimitrios Zekkos United States
41 Corresponding Member Craig Benson United States
42 Corresponding Member Susan Burns United States
43 Nominated Member Malek Bouazza Australia
44 Nominated Member Dimitrios Coumoulos Greece
45 Nominated Member Marina Pantazidou Greece
46 Nominated Member António Roque Portugal
47 Corresponding Member Yanjun Du China
48 Corresponding Member Ilhan Chang South Korea
49 Nominated Member Celeste Jorge Portugal
50 Nominated Member Xunchang Fei Singapore
51 Corresponding Member Changho Lee South Korea
52 Nominated Member Jiaqi Zhang Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
53 Nominated Member Gemmina Di Emidio Belgium
54 Nominated Member Marc Van Den Broeck Belgium
55 Nominated Member Ernest Olinic Romania
56 Nominated Member Manoj Datta India
57 Nominated Member Loretta Batali Romania
58 Corresponding Member Paulo S. Hemsi Brazil
59 Nominated Member Catherine Mulligan Canada
60 Nominated Member Craig Lake Canada
61 Nominated Member Jean-Pierre GOURC France
62 Nominated Member Evelina Fratalocchi Italy
63 Nominated Member Angelica Tottolomondo Switzerland
64 Nominated Member Nicola Moraci Italy
65 Nominated Member Anna Ramón Tarragona Spain
66 Corresponding Member Alessandra Di Mariano Spain
67 Nominated Member Antônio Thomé Brazil
68 Nominated Member Maria Eugenia Boscov Brazil
69 Corresponding Member Pablo Lapeña Spain
70 Nominated Member Andrey Petryaev Russia
71 Corresponding Member Ricardo de Abreu United States
72 Corresponding Member Wu Gao China
73 Nominated Member Behzad Fatahi Australia
74 Corresponding Member Enrique Romero Spain
75 Nominated Member Krishna Reddy United States
76 Nominated Member Yunmin Chen China
77 Nominated Member Liming Hu China
78 Nominated Member Ángel Yustres Real Spain
79 Nominated Member Eivind Wiik Ånes Norway
80 Corresponding Member Kuo Tian United States
81 Corresponding Member Magda Roque Portugal
82 Nominated Member Jovan Papic North Macedonia

Call for nomination for the 4th ISSMGE R. Kerry Rowe Lecture

In 2012, the Technical Committee 215 on Environmental Geotechnics (TC 215) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) established the "ISSMGE R. Kerry Rowe Lecture" in recognition of Professor Rowe's outstanding impact in the field of Environmental Geotechnics and his excellence in scholarly achievements.

The lecture is to be given at the opening plenary session of the International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG), and the associated paper is published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. The lecturer is a person selected by TC 215 as having made a distinguished contribution to the theory and practice of Environmental Geotechnics. This lecture is the most prestigious award given by TC 215.

The first Lecturer was C.D. Shackelford, who delivered his lecture on "The Role of Diffusion in Environmental Geotechnics" at the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE) held in Paris, France, in 2013 and at the 7th ICEG held in Melbourne, Australia, in 2014. The second Lecturer was M. Manassero, who delivered his lecture "On the fabric and state parameters of active clays for contaminant control" at the 19th ICSMGE held in Seoul, Korea, in 2017 and at the 8th ICEG held in Hangzhou, China, in 2018. The third Lecturer was A. Bouazza, who delivered his lecture "Untangling the mysteries of geosynthetic clay liners behaviour in aggressive and challenging environments" at the 20th ICSMGE held in Sydney, Australia, in 2022 and at the 9th ICGE held in Chania, Greece, in June 2023.

Nominations for the 4th ISSMGE R. Kerry Rowe Lecture are now open. The lecture is scheduled to be given at the 21st ICSMGE, to be held in Vienna, Austria, June 14-19, 2026, and at the 10th ICEG, to be held in Kyoto, Japan, in 2027.

Nominations for the 4th ISSMGE R. Kerry Rowe Lecture have to be submitted by TC 215 members to the R. Kerry Rowe Lecture sub-committee, chaired by R. Kerry Rowe and including the TC 215 Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary) and the past Lecturers.

A supporting letter and a CV of the nominee (including a list of publications) should be sent to R. Kerry Rowe ([email protected]), the TC 215 Chair Andrea Dominijanni ([email protected]) and the TC 215 Secretary Kristin Sample-Lord ([email protected]) by February 29, 2024.

Following the ISSMGE guidelines, at least three alternative candidates will be considered. The TC members with voting rights will rank the candidates by voting remotely. The TC 215 Chair will inform the ISSMGE President and the Chair of the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) about the selected Lecturer for their approval. Finally, the ISSMGE President will appoint the 4th R. Kerry Rowe Lecturer.

TC 215 Honour Lecture - R. Kerry Rowe Lecture.

In 2012 the ISSMGE and TC 215 established the "R. Kerry Rowe Lecture" in recognition of Professor Rowe's impact in the field of Environmental Geotechnics and excellence in scholarly achievements. The lecture is to be given at the opening plenary session of the International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG), and the International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE) held every 4 years. It is also published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.



1st R. Kerry Rowe Lecturer: Prof. Charles D. Shackelford, who delivered his lecture on "The Role of Diffusion in Environmental Geotechnics" at the 18th ICSMGE that was held in Paris, France, September 2013 (paper), and at the 7th ICEG that was held in Melbourne, Australia, November 2014. The Lecture has been published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal: Shackelford, C.D. (2014). The ISSMGE Kerry Rowe Lecture: The role of diffusion in environmental geotechnics, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 51(11), 1219-1242, 10.1139/cgj-2013-0277.


2nd R. Kerry Rowe Lecturer: Prof. Mario Manassero, who delivered his lecture "On the Fabric and State Parameters of Active Clays for Contaminant Control" at the 19th ICSMGE that was held in Seoul, Korea, September 2017 (paper) and at the 8th ICEG that was held in Hangzhou, China, 28th October - 1st November 2018. The Lecture has been published in open access in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal: Manassero, M. (2020). Second ISSMGE R. Kerry Rowe Lecture: On the intrinsic, state, and fabric parameters of active clays for contaminant control, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57(3), 1219-1242, 10.1139/cgj-2019-0033. The paper was the recipient of the 2021 R.M. Quigley Award, which is given out each year to the best paper published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal (CGJ) in the previous year. 


3rd R. Kerry Rowe Lecturer: Prof. Abdelmalek Bouazza, who delivered his lecture "Untangling the mysteries of geosynthetic clay liners behaviour in aggressive and challenging environments" at the 20th ICSMGE that was held in Sydney, Australia, May 2022, and at the 9th ICGE that was held in Chania, Greece, June 2023.

Contact Technical Committee : Environmental Geotechnics

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