The 9th ERTC10 Webinar on the "Second Generation of Eurocode 7 Rock Engineering"
The webinar is organised jointly by ERTC10, CEN TC250/SC7 and NEN, with support of ISRM for this event. It will cover the subject of Rock Engineering, which was significantly improved in the second generation of Eurocode 7 compared to the current version. The Experts representing SC7's Rock Engineering Platform (SC7/REP) will explain:
- How rock engineering was implemented in the new code in terms of general rules in EN 1997-1.
- What we can find on relevant ground properties in the new EN 1997-2.
- What design aspects for specific geotechnical structures in EN 1997-3 have to be considered when dealing with rock masses.
Contact Information
- Contact person: Witold Bogusz
- Address: -
- Phone: -
- Fax: -
- Email: [email protected]
Additional Information
As usual, this 2h long webinar is free of charge, and the agenda for this event includes: 1. Introduction - Witold Bogusz, Jacobs & Secretary of ISSMGE ERTC10, Poland, together with Milorad Jovanovski, ISRM European Vice President at Large, North Macedonia. 2. Introduction of rock engineering in the second generation of the Eurocodes - Luís M. N. Lamas, LNEC, SC7/REP Convenor & ISRM Secretary General, Portugal. 3. Rock engineering in EN 1997-1 General rules - Herbert Walter, SC7/REP, Austria. 4. Rock engineering in EN 1997-2 Ground properties - José Estaire, CEDEX & SC7/REP, Spain. 5. Rock engineering in EN 1997-3 - Slopes, foundations and retaining structures - Paulo Pinto, University of Coimbra & SC7/REP, Portugal. 6. Rock engineering in EN 1997-3 - Anchors, rock bolts, rock support and groundwater control - Natalia Maca, Ischebeck Titan Polska & SC7/REP, Poland. 7. Rock engineering in EN 1997 - Perspectives on the evolution to the third generation - John Harrison, University of Toronto & SC7/REP, UK. 8. Q&A session.