New TC211 Webinar on "Concrete for Rigid Inclusions" by Dr. Martin Larisch

View for free Concrete for Rigid Inclusions Webinar at ISSMGE Virtual University

About this Webinar

Rigid inclusions are used for ground improvement works and they are often designed as unreinforced concrete columns. The installation methods of rigid inclusions mainly involve full-displacement drilling methods or non-displacement techniques which both utilize pumped and pressurized in-situ concrete. Ground improvement with rigid inclusions often requires the use of low to medium strength concrete to achieve the project specific design criteria. 

Concrete mix designs need to allow for sufficient workability and stability of the fresh concrete to be able to withstand external pressures from pumping and placement. In addition, the workability life and the early strength development also need to be considered to allow for high quality rigid inclusions as well as smooth and efficient column installation on site. 

The presentation discusses the importance of adequate workability of the fresh concrete and the impacts of unsuitable concrete mix designs on the quality of the rigid inclusions as well as on potential disruptions in the construction process when the fresh concrete performance is inadequate. Fresh concrete properties like slump, spread, workability, stability, slump/ spread retention will be discussed and some common testing methods to assess the quality of fresh concrete for rigid inclusions are introduced. In addition, the presenter highlights some selected construction related aspects which may impact the quality of the rigid inclusions as a result of insufficient concrete placement and quality on site.

Dr. Martin Larisch is a Geotechnical and Ground Engineering Professional with more than 25 years of construction experience. He is currently based in Wellington, New Zealand, where he works as a consultant and independent expert for ground improvement and piling projects across the Asia Pacific Region. Martin obtained his University Degree in Civil Engineering in Germany, a Master of Advanced Concrete Technology in Leeds (UK) and a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

He has authored more than 30 technical papers on ground improvement, piling and concrete related topics and for the last decade, he has also been involved in the development of two international best practice guidelines for tremie concrete. 

Martin is also the New Zealand nominated member of ISSMGE TC-211 Ground Improvement Technical Committee.

View for free Concrete for Rigid Inclusions Webinar at ISSMGE Virtual University