8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials

8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials

03-09-2023 to 06-09-2023
Porto, Portugal

Thank you for your interest in IS-Porto 2023 conference.

The deadline for submission of the draft papers on this platform has been extended to the 31st of December 2022.

Editorial Board
Antonio Viana da Fonseca Lead Editor [email protected]
Cristiana Ferreira Co-Editor [email protected]
Theme Editors
II.6) Soil stabilisation and improvement Graça Lopes, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
III.2) Performance evaluation of geotechnical structures Mafalda Lopes Laranjo, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
III.1) Integrated site characterization Mafalda Lopes Laranjo, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.11) Soil-plant interaction Graça Lopes, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.10) Frozen soils Rafaela Cardoso, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.9) Sensitive and liquefiable soils: tailings and other highly brittle strain-softening soils Paulo Coelho, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.8) Non-textbook soils António Alberto Correia, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.7) Thermal behaviour Rafaela Cardoso, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.5) Cyclic and dynamic behaviour Paulo Coelho, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
I.1) Advances in laboratory testing techniques (equipment and procedures) Sara Rios, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.4) Time-dependent response Castorina Vieira, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.3) Anisotropy and localisation Castorina Vieira, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.2) Physical and numerical modelling Castorina Vieira, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
II.1) Constitutive modelling of geomaterials Castorina Vieira, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
I.5) Multiscale problems in geomechanics (micro‐to‐macro strains) Rafaela Cardoso, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
I.4) Data interpretation and geotechnical imaging Nuno Raposo, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
I.3) Advanced sampling Nuno Raposo, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
I.2) Advances in field testing and monitoring techniques António Alberto Correia, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]
III.3) Field monitoring and observational method Mafalda Lopes Laranjo, Manuel Carvalho [email protected], [email protected]

Total Publications: 148 Open in Online Library

Showing 1 to 15 of 148 entries