The main topics addressed by TC204 concern the geotechnical aspects of the analysis, design, construction and maintenance of deep excavations, tunnels and large underground structures, with particular emphasis on the development, effects and control of ground movements, their interaction with existing structures, mitigation measures and risk management. In this field the objectives for the period 2013-2017 are as follows.
- To deliver the 9th International Conference on "Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground" in Seoul, 25-27 August, 2014, which was achieved and was a success.
- To prepare the organisation of the 10th International Conference on "Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground" in 2017 in Brazil.
- To promote a session or a workshop during the next ICSMGE, Seoul 2017.
- Develop a database of all proceedings of the previous symposia, unless this interferes with copyrights. At the moment there is permission for the first 6th symposia.
- To actively encourage the preparation of papers from TC204 members to be published in refereed journals and in particular for the ISSMGE International Journal of Geo-Engineering Case histories.
- Proposal for the 2nd Fujita lecture 2017 to be held at the TC204 symposium in Brazil. This will be Prof. Hirokazu Akagi from Japan. Interaction with other TCs concerned by underground construction:
- To cooperate with TC104 "Physical modelling" to extend the guidelines for comparing field or physical model observations with numerical simulations.
- To establish or maintain contact with TCs having close interests such as TC206, TC207, TC305 and TC203.