Peer-reviewed Educational Materials

Creating collections of peer-reviewed educational material is an initiative of the Technical Committee (TC) on Geo-Engineering Education, TC306. The initiative started as a collaborative project of TC306 and the Technical Committee on Environmental Geotechnics, TC215, which was implemented as part of the organization of the 9th Int. Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG 2023).

TC306 solicits contributions on all subjects commonly taught in introductory soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering courses of undergraduate civil engineering curricula. Solicited contributions must be accompanied by required metadata, including a teaching note, and have size that permits thorough peer-review with modest effort. Assessments/reviews of publicly available educational materials, again including teaching notes, are also welcome. TC306 also invites collaborations with other TCs interested in setting up a peer-review system and creating a collection of peer-reviewed educational materials for their own specialty.

Environmental Geotechnics

Soil Mechanics Fundamentals