XV Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jubilee Conference - 50th Anniversary of Danube-European Conferences on Geotechnics
Geotechnics of Roads and Railways
Vienna, Austria
The Austrian Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the XV Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering to be held in Vienna, Austria, on September 9 - 11, 2014. The Conference is held under the auspices of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).
In the year 1964 the Danube-European Conferences on Geotechnical Engineering were founded in Vienna by the ÖIAV (Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects) with its branches for Geotechnical Engineering (Member Society of ISSMGE) and Road Engineering (Member Society of PIARC). The aim of this conferences was to bring together colleagues from East and West, from either side of the Iron Curtain. The Danube region (incl. catchment areas) has always fostered close cultural, economic and personal relations. Therefore, the vision at that time was a reunion of this region. Meanwhile, the Danube-European Conferences have proved to be a long-term success for already 50 years.
The conference will take place at the Vienna University of Technology, which is located in the center of the city. Vienna´s most impressive sights are within walking distance of the Vienna University of Technology. It can be easily reached by public transport from Vienna International Airport, which provides direct flights to 170 destinations worldwide. Further details on accommodation will be available at a later date.
The general theme of the Conference is "Geotechnics of Roads and Railways“ – as it was 50 years ago at the first DECGE. Specifically, the topics to be covered are:
• Earthworks, mainly embankments
• Compaction of soil and other granular materials
• Soil stabilization with lime, cement, etc.
• Deep soil improvement
• Geotechnics of road and railtrack structures (from subgrade to base or ballast, resp.)
• Freezing-thawing problems of roads, railways
• Geosynthetics in road and railway engineering
• Use of waste material for roads and embankments
• Slope stability problems
• Retaining structures
• Bridge foundations
• Tunnelling
Austrian Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Geotechnics
Authors are kindly invited to electronically submit an abstract related to the conference topics through the conference website by September 15, 2013. Instructions for preparing full length papers will be provided with the confirmation of acceptance of the contribution.
Upload of Abstracts: www.decge2014.at
Announcement and call for papers
ASSMGE & Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Geotechnics
Contact Information
- Contact person: Armin Steurer, Gerda Pfleger
- Address: Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Geotechnics, Karlsplatz 13/220-2
- Phone: +43 1 58801 22101
- Fax: +43 1 58801 22199
- Email: [email protected]