Polish Geotechnical Society

Polish Committee on Geotechnics
ul Nowoursynowska 159
02-776 Warszawa

Presidentl: Prof. Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska
Email: [email protected][email protected]

Secretary General: Prof. Slawomir Kwiecien
Email: [email protected]


The Polish Committee of Geotechnics was established during the proceedings of the first National Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering which was held in 1954 in Gdansk.

Names of Presidents and other officers:
1954-1964 Professor R. Pietkowski President, Eng. Dobrowolski, Secretary 
1964-1984 Professor R. Pietkowski President, Eng. Dobrowolski, Secretary 
1984- 1993 Professor Z. Wilun, President, Professor W. Wolski, Secretary 
1993- date Professor S. Grabowski President, Professor W. Wolski Secretary 
1996-date Professor E. Dembicki President, Professor Wysokinski Secretary to 1996
Professor Zb. Mlynarek, Secretary

1954, 30 members and now in 2000, 298 members

List and date of regional Meetings and Conferences
1954 First National Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, the conferences are held every three years excluding martial law periods

Members of the Polish Committee of Geotechnics participated in working out designs and supervising construction of the most important investments of the Polish economy.

Members of the Polish Committee of Geotechnics worked on a number of construction sites abroad and prepared a great number of expert reports.

Members of the Polish Committee of Geotechnics actively participated in work of international committees: 

ISSMGE, TC5, TC9, TC16 (Professor Bolt, Dembricki, Gwizdala, Greyezmanski, Mlynarck, Tejckman, Wolski, Zadroga).

Members of the Polish Committee of Geotechnics belong to editorial committees of international journals Geotextiles and Geomembranes. (Professor Dembiki) and were the members of organisation or scientific committees of numerous international conferences (Professors: R. Piatkowski, Hückel, S. Wsiun, J. Kisiel, B. Rosinski, E. Dembicki, Zb. Mylnarck, W. Wolski, K. Skarynska).

Members of the Polish Committee of Geotechnics presented papers or keynote lectures at numerous international conferences. (Professors: E. Dembicki, Zb. Mlynarck, K. Skarzynska, W. Wolski, M. Gryczmanski).

A list of conference proceedings, scientific newspaper availability, address of publisher
Proceedings of Polish National Conferences 1-13
Library of Technical University, Gdansk
Archive of Hydroengineering and Environmental Mechanics
Studio geotechnical et Mechanics, Technical University, Wroclaw
Maritime Engineering and Geotechnics