The intent for this document is to provide a comparison on selected topics related to Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) and Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS) design of the most relevant International Codes and Guidelines for Engineers, Students or novice Users who are not familiar with this technology and Standards. The explanations are intended to provide in simple words the content of the selected chapters. Appendices are also provided when a more detailed explaination was needed. The document must be considered as ‘for information only’ and the included interpretations shall not be referenced in legal documents.
The ISSMGE TC218 Committee encourages the readers to notify if there are topics that should be included or descriptions which do not properly illustrate the related Code chapter. Please share your comments with the Committee, so that the document can be enhanced.
This should be considered a living document and TC218 is open to improve this document with your suggestions and help.
To download the file, please click on the link below:
Any questions feel free to contact:
Shahriar Mirmirani - [email protected] - TC218 Secretary
Giulia Lugli - [email protected] - TC218 Chairman