A computationally efficient consistent tangent operator for explicit stress integration techniques

A computationally efficient consistent tangent operator for explicit stress integration techniques

The robustness, accuracy and efficiency of finite element simulations rely to a large extent on the integration scheme of the constitutive model. The main advantage of implicit stress integration techniques over explicit methods is that expressions for the consistent tangent operator can be proposed, which preserve the quadratic rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method used to solve the global problem. Nonetheless, to date, no consistent tangent matrix has been proposed for explicit techniques.

In this work, a new expression for the consistent tangent operator for explicit stress integration techniques of small strain elasto-plastic models is proposed. The used stress integration technique considers substepping, the possibility of elastic and elasto-plastic regimes in a single strain increment and the correction of yield surface drift. The expression of the consistent tangent operator has terms related to each of these numerical procedures. The newly developed consistent tangent operator has been assessed in several numerical examples, showing a good performance and quadratic convergence rate in the iterative solution of the global problem.

Lluis Monforte; M. Rouainia

10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE2023)

1. Constitutive modelling for saturated and unsaturated soils
