Linking sand permeability anisotropy to fabric anisotropy via numerical simulation

Linking sand permeability anisotropy to fabric anisotropy via numerical simulation

Characterisation of the permeability of soils is of practical importance and, for cohesionless or granular soils, it can be predicted from the void ratio and the particle size distribution (PSD). However, the effect of fabric anisotropy on the permeability is rarely discussed. Restricting consideration to granular (cohesionless) soil, this study combines a variety of numerical methods to investigate (1) how the anisotropy of the permeability evolves as the soil fabric anisotropy evolves in triaxial deformation and (2) establish a link between the anisotropy of the permeability and the fabric anisotropy. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) was employed to create linearly graded virtual samples of spheres (Cu of 1 to 2). Initially isotropic sphere packings were subjected to triaxial compression or triaxial extension up to 30% of absolute axial strain to induce an anisotropic fabric. Pore Network Models (PNMs) present a computationally efficient option for simulation of flow through the pore space.  A PNM models fluid flow between pores (nodes) connected by pipes (edges) whose geometry is defined by the topology of the connected pores and the mass balance equation is solved at each pore. After demonstrating the accuracy of the PNM framework adopted here, this contribution presents data from PNM simulations that used the positions of individual particles in the sheared spherical packings as input data. The fabric and permeability anisotropies during triaxial shear deformation were compared at axial strain intervals of 1%. Detailed micro-scale analyses suggest that the anisotropy in the permeability can be attributed to an increase in the local conductance of fluid pipes in the direction of the major principal stress, which is related to the evolution of the pore topologies during the shear deformation.

Tokio Morimoto; C. O'Sullivan; David M. G. Taborda

8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (ISDCG2023)

II.2) Physical and numerical modelling