Numerical modelling of the long-term cyclic ratcheting of monopile foundations under lateral loading

Numerical modelling of the long-term cyclic ratcheting of monopile foundations under lateral loading

There is growing interest to utilise advanced numerical methods by industry practitioners in the prediction of the long-term response of monopile foundations under lateral cyclic loading. One framework of interest is the High Cycle Accumulation (HCA), as it can overcome the limitations of computational expense and error accumulation encountered by conventional cycle-by-cycle finite element analyses. The authors’ implementation of HCA within the finite element package PLAXIS is presented with an emphasis on the framework’s key components and underlying assumptions. Furthermore, by coupling HCA with a practice oriented elasto-plastic model for sands, predictions using different HCA calibration approaches are evaluated against the field measurements of a medium sized cyclic lateral pile load test from the Pile-soil analysis (PISA) joint industry project.

Pishun Tantivangphaisal; David M. G. Taborda; Stavroula Kontoe

18th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE2024)

E - Environment, water and energy