This paper presents a study on the seismic behaviour of an upstream tailings dam situated in the province of Arequipa, Peru. In 2013 seismic events caused cracks in the dam body, crest settlements and sand boils due to liquefaction. In this investigation, the seismic hazard assessment was determined by probabilistic methods and design earthquakes were generated complying with the risk rating recommendations for the global industry standard on tailings management. A finite element numerical analysis was performed considering the PM4Sand and PM4Silt constitutive elastoplastic models. Numerical results were presented in terms of permanent displacements and pore pressure distribution immediately after the earthquake duration, thus indicating that the Otapara tailings dam will suffer dynamic liquefaction for 1000 year return period earthquakes.
10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE2023)
7. Dams, embankments and slopes