This paper presents a parametric study for assessing the lateral displacement of liquefiable slopes with a focus on comparing the outcomes for short- and long-duration motions. The study investigates the effects of increased loading cycles and shaking time in longer-duration motions, which alter the pre- and post-liquefaction responses of soil and impact the deformations of sloped sand deposits under seismic loading. The study models multi-layer soil columns with varying densities and thicknesses of the liquefiable layer using the SANISAND-MSf soil model in OpenSees. The models are subjected to a suite of spectrally equivalent short- and long-duration motions that are linearly scaled to a design spectrum based on a site in Vancouver with a 2% in 50 years hazard level. For the range of variables considered, the results show a direct linear correlation between lateral displacement and ground motion duration. Moreover, CAV5 is found to be a more efficient intensity measure for predicting lateral deformations compared to D5-95 and Ia. Additionally, based on an analysis of 60 ground motions, the study generally indicates that lateral displacements decrease with increasing in relative density and decreasing thickness of liquefiable soil.
10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE2023)
4. Geotechnical earthquake engineering