Short name: Soft Soils (TC214)
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# | Type | Full Name | Country |
1 | Chair | Yoichi Watabe | Japan |
2 | Vice Chair | Minna Karstunen | Sweden |
3 | Secretary | Suched Likitlersuang | Thailand |
4 | Nominated Member | Anh Dzung NGUYEN | Vietnam |
5 | Nominated Member | Victor Kaliakin | United States |
6 | Corresponding Member | Yanhao Zheng | China |
7 | Nominated Member | Rasin Düzceer | Turkey |
8 | Nominated Member | Josif Josifovski | North Macedonia |
9 | Nominated Member | Gerardo Pittaro | Singapore |
10 | Nominated Member | Hans Dete | Mozambique |
11 | Nominated Member | Mats Karlsson | Sweden |
12 | Nominated Member | Arif Ali Baig Moghal | India |
13 | Nominated Member | Nihar Patra | India |
14 | Corresponding Member | Atasi Das | India |
15 | Nominated Member | Roman Marte | Austria |
16 | Corresponding Member | Kaushik Bandyopadhyay | India |
17 | Nominated Member | Juan PAULIN AGUIRRE | Mexico |
18 | Nominated Member | Germán López Pineda | Spain |
19 | Nominated Member | Umur Salih OKYAY | France |
20 | Nominated Member | Hong DOAN | France |
21 | Corresponding Member | Hamza MENACEUR | France |
22 | Nominated Member | Stefano Muraro | Netherlands |
23 | Nominated Member | James Fern | Switzerland |
24 | Nominated Member | Fabio M. Soccodato | Italy |
25 | Nominated Member | Sung Ryul Kim | South Korea |
26 | Nominated Member | Cristina Jommi | Italy |
27 | Corresponding Member | Moon Sek Nam | South Korea |
28 | Corresponding Member | Haizuo zhou | China |
29 | Nominated Member | Shiao Huey Chow | Australia |
30 | Corresponding Member | Sadik Oztoprak | Turkey |
31 | Nominated Member | Erika Prina Howald | Switzerland |
32 | Nominated Member | Ariane Locat | Canada |
33 | Nominated Member | Juan Pablo Osorio | Ireland |
34 | Nominated Member | Paulo da Venda Oliveira | Portugal |
35 | Nominated Member | Henrique Lopes | Portugal |
36 | Corresponding Member | guoxiong Mei | China |
37 | Corresponding Member | Xilin Lu | China |
38 | Nominated Member | Fintan Buggy | Ireland |
39 | Nominated Member | Oscar Moreno | Argentina |
40 | Nominated Member | Gustavo Armijo | Spain |
41 | Nominated Member | Andreas Giannakogiorgos | New Zealand |
42 | Nominated Member | Feyza Cinicioglu | Turkey |
43 | Nominated Member | Yi Hong | China |
44 | Nominated Member | Ken Yeo | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
45 | Nominated Member | Muhammad Shakeel | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
46 | Nominated Member | Maria Esther Soares Marques | Brazil |
47 | Nominated Member | Roberto Coutinho | Brazil |
TC Membership20210603.xlsx and Biography of TC214 members.docx
Link to access Biography of TC214 members:
Terms of Reference TC214.docx
or visit the following URL
and select Terms of Reference
Web-meeting (Record video, and open it to public. Care must be taken regarding copyright)
Face-to-face meeting after the Pandemic due to COVID-19
Every 2 months. 5 meetings per year. Avoiding Friday (and avoiding July and August).
Rotate suitable time slot for regions.
4-1. 1st round: Soft soil problems in each topic (3-5 members per meeting. We need to nominate 3 speakers for the first regular meeting)
4-2. 2nd round: Lecture of case history/academic research (2-3 members per regular meeting)
The URL to access the video recording of the meeting is as follows.
We discussed how to organize TC session at the 20th ICSMGE (Sydney, Australia). We would prefer to organize a panel discussion style session (see Technical Committee Selection Process.pdf), and for that, we need to select the best 20 (or 30) papers from 39 papers in the list. Please open TC214 -Accepted ICSMGE Papers.docx and fill up the cells on the evaluation columns with your score (10: Excellent to 1: Poor).
Please send me back the Word document with your score not later than December 28, 2021.
(1) Manmade islands on soft marine deposits in Japan by Yoichi Watabe
(2) Some challenges from soft clays in infrastructure in Singapore by Gerardo Agustin Pittaro
(3) Short overview of typical geotechnical problems regarding soft soils in Alpine regions such as Austria by Roman Marte
(4) Back analysis of a road embankment over soft soils - Maputo river floodplain by Hans Dete
The following link can be used to access the video recorded during the meeting.
The organizing committee of 20th ICSMGE allocated 1 virtual session and 0.5 in-person session for TC214.
The virtual session will be chaird by Prof. Yoichi Watabe, and the in-person session will be chird by Dr. Shiao Huey Chow.
We decided to propose the presentation order (or video play order) based on the score, which was evaluated in the process of presentation paper nomination in last December.
(1) Rio de Janeiro city soft clay by Esther Marques
(2) Challenges and Improvement Solutions of Soft Bangkok Clay by Suched Likitlersuang
The following link can be used to access the video recorded during the meeting.
Prof. Yoichi Watabe reported the virtual session of TC214 at 20th ICSMGE.
Day 4: 16:30-17:30 Parallel Sessions
TC214 Virtual Session
(1) Clay fabric under the britest light
Mr. Georgios Birmpilis
(2) A framework for the time-dependent behaviour of soft strutured clays
Dr. Miguel Mánica
(3) Numerical prediction of the Ballina test embankment using an advanced constitutive model
Mr. James Barron
(4) Multi-stepwise CRS consolidation test and its application to predict long-term consolidation based on the isotache concept
Prof. Yoichi Watabe
During the meeting, one member introduced his soft soil issues as listed below:
(1) Learnings from land reclamation projects at Kansai International Airport and Tokyo Haneda Airport
by Yoichi Watabe
The following link can be used to access the video recorded during the meeting.
During the meeting, 2 members introduced her/his soft soil issues as listed below:
(1) Physical modelling at the field scale in the Netherlands
by Christina Jommi
(2)Soft soil challenges in Ireland
by Fintan Buggy
The following link can be used to access the video recorded during the meeting.
TC members agreed to organise a TC214 session/workshop in the XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Lisbon 26-30 August 2024. We invite all TC members especially European members to submit the abstract by 30 April 2023.
Note: Deadline of abstract submission was extended by 15 May 2023.
TUDelf by Prof Cristina Jommi and Dr Stefano Muraro proposed a TC214 International Conference/Symposium on Soft Soils, which will be tentatively held at Delf University of Technology, Netherland in mid June or beginning July 2025. TC members agreed on the tentative proposal.
1. Soft soils in the Alps, a challenge for railway companies by James Fern
2. Behaviour of peat at the laboratory scale by Stefano Muraro
These two presentations are available in YouTube:
1. Soft clay research in Sweden (at Chalmers) by Minna Karstunen
This presentation is available in YouTube:
Participants are confirmed as below:
In person
Yoichi Watabe, Fabio M. Soccodato, Cristina Jommi, Hans Dete, Hamza Menaceur,
Stefano Muraro, Erika Prina Howald, Fintan Buggy
Victor Kaliakin, Nihar Patra, Atasi Das, Kaushik Bandyopadhyay
The participants agreed to update the members biographies.
TC chair will send the previous version of the biography (MS-Word file) to all the members. Each member is requested to update own page and remove all the other pages, and then send it back to the chair.
In the 6th meeting, Prof. Cristina Jommi and Dr. Stefano Muraro proposed to organize an international symposium on soft soils at Delft University of Technology, the Netherland, possibly in mid-June or early July 2025. However, the participants agreed to postpone the schedule, and new proposed date is the end of August 2026. The participants discussed about the conflict of the schedule with the 21th ICSMGE (Viena) which will be held on 14-19 June 2026. The participants agreed with that the two-month interval between these two events would not have a significant impact on the number of participants. Expecting number of participants is about 100.
Later, the date of the international symposium is decided as:
Title of International Conference:
"Advances and Innovations in Soft Soil Engineering 2026"
Venue and Date:
TU Delft
From the 24 to 26 August 2026
In the first meeting, we agreed to have TC meeting alternately at European time slot and Asian time slot; however, most of TC meetings have been scheduled at European time slot because most of participants have been Europeans. In consideration of increased number of Asian members recently, the participants agreed with that the next meeting will be scheduled at morning time slot for European, evening time slot for Asian, and very early morning time slot for American. Scheduling will be contacted by the TC chair or Secretary.
No special items.