January 16 Webinar by Prof. Valocchi on Groundwater & Transport Interactive Models

On Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 15:00 UTC, Professor Albert Valocchi will talk about "User-Friendly Interactive Models for Groundwater Education Still Useful After 25 years!", as part of the International Webinar Series on Geoenvironmental Engineering, Sustainability, and Resiliency. The webinar is supported by three ISSMGE committees, TC306 (Geo-Education) and TC103 (Numerical Modeling), the joint task force of which initiated Prof. Valocchi's invitation, and TC215 (Environmental Geotechnics), which supports the webinar series.

The suite of the Interactive Models for Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport is available at http://hydrolab.illinois.edu/gw_applets/ and has been maintained for 25 years, a rare feat for an educational software.

The author of this news item has used the Interactive Models in her Environmental Geotechnics course for over 15 years and is grateful to Prof. Valocchi for enriching the course.

Register (free) for this webinar (and others in the series: there is one more webinar with education topic on March 20, 2025) at:
