Save the Date: PBD-V 2026 in Chile


The 2026 International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-V) will be held November 4 to 6, 2026 in Puerto Varas, Chile. Topics for the PBD-V 2026 conference will include:

  • Case histories on site effects, embankments and slopes, earth and tailings dams, surface fault rupture, MSWLF performance, and other geohazards.

  • Underground structures and soil-structure interaction, including shallow foundations and pile foundations.

  • Soil investigation with field and laboratory testing for performance-based design.

  • Dynamic characterization and modeling of soils for performance-based design.

  • Numerical analyses for performance-based design.

  • Methodology of performance-based design.

  • Recent developments in PBD codes.

  • Advances in soil liquefaction.


PBD-V 2026  is organized by the Chilean Society of Geotechnical Engineering (SOCHIGE) and the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. View the conference website for more information.