TC105 DEM Round Robin Test

Dear ISSMGE members,

TC105 invites you to join the TC105 Round Robin exercise on DEM simulation.

The discrete element method (DEM) is a powerful tool for to develop fundamental understanding of the behavior of geomaterials at the scale of the individual particles.Although its potential is broadly accepted, one issue is the availability of standard example problems to verify DEM simulation codes and confirm that these codes are being correctly used. Many researchers and engineers find this difficult owing to the complexity of granular material behavior; analytical verifications exist only for limited, highly ideal cases. Furthermore, many different DEM implementations and codes exists, and it is important to understand how the accuracy is influenced by the implementation details. One solution is to quantify the error between the simulation results and the response observed in a real, physical simulation. There is a need for a benchmark simulation with accompanying physical test data. The TC 105 Japanese domestic committee has prepared a round robin test for DEM simulations. We welcome anyone who would like to participate in this round robin activity.

Please see the following website for the details.

This activity is led by Prof Yukio Nakata (Yamaguchi University) of the Japanese Geotechnical Society. 

The deadline to express your interest in joining this activity is November 30, 2019. Please send your email to s_mori
