TC307 – Sustainability updates from 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2023)

Updates from 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2023):

The 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2023) was held on 20-22 November 2023 in Fukuoka, Japan. The aim of CREST 2023 was to disseminate information and exchange ideas on issues related to natural disasters and disasters associated with anthropogenic activities, as well as to provide solutions through the use of alternative resources, disruptive technologies and soft-type disaster mitigation measures for building a sustainable and resilient society from the perspective of geoengineering.

Prof. Anand J. Puppala, Chair of TC 307, was invited to deliver a keynote lecture entitled Sustainable Ground Improvement Practice and Comprehensive Assessments for Problematic Expansive Soils.

TC307, in collaboration with the Global Society for Smart Geo-Sustainnovation (GLOSS), held a workshop entitled Sustainability and Innovation in Geotechnical Engineering for CREST 2023 on 20 November 2023. The objectives of the workshop include: (1) Present innovative, environment-friendly and energy-efficient geotechnical techniques through collaboration with other disciplines for site investigation, construction, monitoring, and ground improvement; (2) Explore sustainable use of geotechnical systems and materials, including retrofitting and reuse of waste materials, foundations and other geotechnical structures; (3) Development of sustainability indicators and assessment tools in geotechnical engineering; (4) Explore Geotechnical techniques involved in the exploitation of renewable energy sources, such as shallow and deep geothermal, solar and other energies. The program included eight presentations, as follows:

  1. Foundation technologies for SDGs: Press-in pile technology & Rapid pile load test, Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto, Professor Emeritus, Kanazawa University, Japan
  2. Applications of bioprecipitation for soil stabilization and environmental applications, Prof. Catherine Mulligan, Concordia University, Canada
  3. Perception on Sustainability & challenges for pavement engineering, Prof. Mizanur Rahman, University of South Australia, Australia
  4. Sustainable Mitigation of Highway Geohazard based on the Distribution of Landslide Susceptibility, Prof. Albert J Shou, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan.
  5. Sustainable infrastructure monitoring sensor platform, Prof. Haruichi Kanaya, Kyushu University, Japan
  6. Sustainable filling materials for land reclamation and their durability in marine environment, Associate Prof. Yaolin Yi, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
  7. Low carbon stabilization of Hong Kong marine deposits by sewage sludge ash for land reclamation, Dr. Fiona Kwok, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  8. Sustainability Index for Reclaimed Materials, Prof. Sireesh Saride, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India

Committee Meeting:

TC307 had a committee meeting on the same day just after the workshop via a hybrid model, i.e. members in CREST 2023 attended physically, and others joined via Zoom. The meeting minutes are as follows: