Third ISSMGE TC210 Technical Committee Meeting (E-mail Meeting) Agenda

Date:   13-20 March 2020

E-mail meeting


  1.  Welcome and introductory comments from Limin Zhang (Chair)

    • A few issues arose recently due to the coronavirus, and required discussions and decision from the committee members. 


  1. Confirmation of minutes of last TC meeting on 1 Sept. 2019 (Rui Wang)
    Minutes can be found at


  1.  TC210 task forces & working groups

  • Task Force “Performance of dams during extreme events” (Daniel Prandel)

  • Sample task forces include ‘Conferences, workshops and short courses’, ‘Embankment dam literature and dam failure databases’, ‘Dam safety’, ‘Dam construction materials’, ‘Sustainability”, etc.  


4.Ongoing committee activities

  • TC210 First International Conference on Embankment Dams (ICED’2020): Dam Breach Modelling and Risk Disposal, 5-7 June 2020, Beijing, China (Rui Wang, Limin Zhang)

  • Short courses, training programs, guidelines

  • ICOLD International Working Group on Overflowing and Overtopping Erosion (Jean-Pierre Tournier)

·Workshop on Failure of Embankment Dams and Levees, as a side event of FLOODrisk2020 and ISC6. Organizers: ISSMGE TC 201 and TC 210, ICOLD TC E and TC LE, Budapest, Saturday, 5 September 2020 (Emoke Imre)

·TC309/304/210 conference: International Symposium « Machine Learning & Big Data in Geosciences » Lille (France), September 28-30, 2020 (Limin Zhang)


5.Past committee activities

·TC304/309/210 Machine Learning Dialogue for Geotechnics 2019, 14 Dec. 2019, Taipei (ISSMGE Bulletin: Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 17-22)

·International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety & Risk (ISGSR 2019), 11-13 Dec. 2019, Taipei (TC210 as co-organizer joining TC304)

·TC210 Workshop on Embankment Dams, 1 Sept. 2019 (Daniele Cazzuffi)

  • TC210 sessions during 17th ECSMGE, 1-6 Sept. 2019

  • TC309/304/210:  2nd International Workshop on Machine Leaning and Big data in Geoscience, Shanghai, 28-30 July 2019 (Zuyu Chen, Limin Zhang)


6.Future conference activities

·20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12-17 Sept. 2021, International Convention Centre Sydney, Australia


7.Other activities