Treat yourself to 12 hours of "Learning how to learn"

Learning how to learn is a Coursera Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and one of the most popular MOOCs of all times. As of Feb. 5, 2024, 3,704,657 students have enrolled.

The course provides lots of new information for college students. For more seasoned, independent learners, the course reinforces good learning practices developed empirically. For all categories of learners, the course provides useful tips for practices we can develop or fine-tune for more efficient learning and working. For instructors, the course also offers an example of top-quality professional video lesson to aspire to.

I wrote this review because I am ever grateful to the niece of an acquaintance (!) for giving me the recommendation-gift for this course over dinner (!) in early April 2016 and to myself for acting on the recommendation and completing it in the next few weeks. Hoping to re-gift the recommendation, I attended the course a second time -with unabated interest-  in early 2021, in order to prepare this review.

The attached 3-page review includes description, main messages, valuable tips and specifics on how the course was useful to me as a learner, teacher and professional.