A subloading surface clay and sand model

A subloading surface clay and sand model

The mechanical response of natural soils is characterized by a narrow elastic domain, a smooth transition between elastic to elasto-plastic regime, and hysteretic behaviour during cyclic loading. These realistic features can be efficiently introduced into an existing constitutive model by reformulating it in the framework of subloading surface plasticity. This unconventional elasto-plastic approach is advantageous over other techniques, since it allows to retain some stress history information only by adding an additional constitutive parameter and one hardening rule. In this paper, CASM, a state parameter dependent, critical state model, is reformulated in the framework of subloading plasticity. Several element tests are reported to illustrate the performance of the model.

Paul Jose Pinedo Vilcahuaman; Lluis Monforte; Marcos Arroyo; Antonio Gens

10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE2023)

1. Constitutive modelling for saturated and unsaturated soils
