Automatic parameter calibration of advanced constitutive soil models and application to a boundary value problem
Automatic parameter calibration of advanced constitutive soil models and application to a boundary value problem
Simulating the nonlinear and anelastic behaviour of soils under monotonic and cyclic loading requires advanced constitutive models. Determining the parameters of these models is often time-consuming and requires a high level of expertise. Automatic calibration can help to simplify and speed up the calibration process and increase the accessibility of advanced soil models to less experienced users. In this paper, the automatic parameter calibration of the parameters for monotonic and cyclic loading is presented for Hypoplasticity with Intergranular Strain and SANISAND. The calibration is performed based on the results of drained and undrained monotonic triaxial tests, oedometric compression tests and undrained cyclic triaxial tests on sand. A thorough comparison of simulations with a manual calibration and the experimental data is presented. Hints on the transfer to a boundary value problem and on the robustness of the automatically calibrated parameters are given. It is shown that the automatic parameter calibration improves the accuracy of the constitutive model predictions.