How to deal with glauconite sands in physical models

How to deal with glauconite sands in physical models

The current trend of the offshore wind industry is to exploit areas of the world that were not previously considered suitable for windfarm developments. For instance, in the coming years a large development is expected in the East coast of the United States, where the soil conditions are particularly demanding due to the presence of glauconite sand. To understand the mechanical behaviour of challenging geomaterials during pile installation, physical modelling is a cost effective and valuable tool. There are well established methods for preparation of clean sands and cohesionless soils such as silica sands, however these approaches cannot be directly used in case of sand containing fines such as glauconitic sand collected in Antwerp, Belgium. This paper describes a novel approach to prepare repeatable and homogeneous samples under fully water saturated conditions for chamber testing, including practical information and limitations, developed for glauconitic sand containing fines.

Alba Rodriguez Piedrabuena; Mirko Mento; Dirk A. De Lange; Luca Flessati

5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ECPMG2024)

Onshore and offshore foundation systems