Evaluation of Eurocode 7

ERTC10: Evaluation of Eurocode 7

To participate in international conferences and activities relating to the evaluation and application of Eurocode 7.

To evaluate the geotechnical design process for different geotechnical design situations covered by Parts 1 and 2 of Eurocode 7 by reviewing the text of Eurocode 7 and by carrying out design examples that involve assessing the ground conditions, selecting characteristic ground parameter values, choosing a calculation model and designing geotechnical structures to satisfy ultimate and serviceability limit state requirements.

To organise workshops during ISSMGE conferences.

Each year at the CEN TC250/SC7: Eurocode 7 annual meeting, Trevor Orr as chair of ERTC10 has made a report on the ERTC10 activities to the SC7 members. In this way an important link and means of communication has been established between the ISSMGE and CEN which is important as work is proceeding on the preparation of the revised version of Eurocode 7

Type Full Name Country
Chair Witold Bogusz Poland
Secretary Patrizia Vitale Norway
Member Herbert Walter Austria
Member Lehar Leetsaar Estonia
Member Tim Lansivaara Finland
Member Jean-Pierre Magnan France
Member Markus Herten Germany
Member Martin Ziegler  Germany
Member Giorgos Belokas Greece
Member Christos Stratakos Greece
Member Eric Farrell Ireland
Member Giuseppe Scarpelli Italy
Member Adriaan van Seters The Netherlands
Corresponding Member Josif Josifovski North Macedonia
Corresponding Member Natalia Maca Poland
Member João Camões Lourenço Portugal
Corresponding Member Daniel Neto Portugal
Member Loretta Batali Romania
Corresponding Member Horatiu Popa Romania
Member Mirjana Vukićević Serbia
Member Peter Turcek Slovakia
Member Jose Estaire Spain
Member Svetlana Melentijevic Spain
Corresponding Member Cosimo Iasiello Spain
Corresponding Member Marc Huerta Calpe Spain
Member Erika Prina Howald Switzerland
Member Zeynep Çekinmez Bayram Turkey
Member Jesse Schoor United Kingdom
Member Hoe Yeow United Kingdom
Corresponding Member Andrew Bond United Kingdom
Corresponding Member Georgios Katsigiannis United Kingdom
Corresponding Member Colin Smith United Kingdom
Corresponding Member Afroditi Spanou United Kingdom



The 1st ERTC10 Seminar: Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Improvements and Challenges

The first ERTC10 Seminar on "Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Improvements and Challenges" will be held online on: Tuesday 28th September 2021 at 15:00-17:00 (CEST)

This event is organized together with CEN TC250/SC7 and with the support from NEN (Dutch standardizat

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The Summary of The first ERTC10 Seminar on "Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Improvements and Challenges" (28.09.2021)

The 1st ERTC10 Seminar on "Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Improvements and Challenges" held online on Tuesday 28th September 2021 exceeded our expectations with almost 600 registrations from all around the world. It highlighted the considerable international interest

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The 2nd ISSMGE ERTC10 Webinar on "Numerical Methods in the next generation of Eurocode 7"

The ISSMGE ERTC10 "Evaluation of Eurocode 7", in cooperation with CEN TC250/SC7 (European standardization committee responsible for EC7) and NEN (Dutch standardization organization), is organizing its 2nd Webinar related to the ongoing evolution of our main standar

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The 3rd ERTC10 Webinar on "Pile design in the second generation of Eurocode 7"

The ISSMGE European Regional Technical Committee ERTC10 "Evaluation of Eurocode 7", together with CEN TC250/SC7 (standardization committee responsible for EC7 under CEN and CENELEC) and NEN (Dutch national standardization organization), are organizing the 3rd Webinar re

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Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Basis of Design and how the influence of Groundwater is incorporated in the new code

Our 4th Webinar organised jointly by ISSMGE ERTC10, CEN TC250 SC7 and NEN is now open for registration:
Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Basis of Design and how the influence of Groundwater is incorporated in the new code
Time: Wednesday, 22.02.2023, 15:00-17:00 CET
Cost: Non

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The 5th ERTC10 Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Ground Model, Representative Values and Reliability-Based Design

The 5th Webinar organised jointly by ISSMGE ERTC10, CEN TC250 SC7 and NEN is now open for registration:
Novel elements in the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Ground model, representative values and reliability-based verification of limit states
Time: Wednesday, 24.05.2023, 15

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The 6th ERTC10 Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Spread Foundations, Retaining Structures and Anchors

The 6th Webinar organised jointly by ISSMGE ERTC10, CEN TC250 SC7 and NEN is open for registration:

Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Spread Foundations, Retaining Structures and Anchors

Time: Wednesday, 27.09.2023, 15:00-17:00 CEST
The webinar will be 2h long and it is fr

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The 7th ERTC10 Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Ground properties

The 7th Webinar organised jointly by ISSMGE ERTC10, CEN TC250 SC7 and NEN is open for registration:
Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Ground Properties
Time: Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 15:00-17:00 CET

The webinar will be only 2h long and it is free of charge. It will cover

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The 8th ERTC10 Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Ground improvement

The 8th Webinar organised jointly by ISSMGE ERTC10, CEN TC250 SC7 and NEN is open for registration:
Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Ground Improvement
Time: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 15:00-17:00 CET
This 2h long webinar is free of charge.

The webinar will cover the subje

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The 9th ERTC10 Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 – Rock Engineering

The 9th ERTC10 Webinar on the "Second Generation of Eurocode 7 Rock Engineering" will be held on Wednesday, 24 April 2024, 15:00-17:00 (CET), and it is open for registration. It is organised jointly by ERTC10, CEN TC250/SC7 and NEN, with support of ISRM for this event.

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Benchmark examples for the 2nd Generation of Eurocode 7 - Submit your solution to test the new code

At the finish line of development of the 2nd generation of Eurocode 7, within the process of its testing, a benchmarking exercise for basic design calculations has been developed. As ISSMGE ERTC10 on Evaluation of Eurocode 7, together with CEN TC250/SC7, we would like to invite t

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The 11th ERTC10-SC7-NEN Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Dynamic Ground properties and seismic design (Eurocode 8)

I would like to invite you to join our webinar organised jointly by ISSMGE ERTC10, CEN/TC 250/SC7, and the Dutch Standardisation Institution (NEN). The registration is now open at the link provided below, and participation is free of charge: https://ec7-dynamic-ground.nen-eveneme

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ERTC10 Evaluation of Eurocode 7, is one of the European Technical Committees of the ISSMGE

Currently, the Committee and its members, jointly with CEN TC250 SC7 and NEN (Dutch standardisation organisation) are organising regular webinars related to the developments in the second generation of Eurocode 7 that soon will be published.

Subjects that we covered so far included:
1. Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Improvements and Challenges
Adriaan van Seters, Gunilla Franzén, Jose Estaire, Loretta Batali

2. Numerical methods in the next generation of Eurocode 7
Georgios Katsigiannis, Colin Smith,

3. Pile Design in the second generation of Eurocode 7
Christian Moormann, Sébastien Burlon, Witold Bogusz, Patrick IJnsen


4. Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Basis of Design and how the influence of Groundwater is incorporated in the new code
Hoe-Chian Yeow, Andrew Bond, Gunilla Franzén, Adriaan van Seters, Joaquin Perez-Romero

Next events and more interesting subjects are on the way...


Past activities of the Committee:

Together with several other ERTCs,  ERTC 10 was involved in organizing a number of workshops on Eurocode 7 and geotechnical design during the ECSMGE in Athens in 2011

A report by Trevor Orr summarizing these workshops was written for Volume 4 of the Conference Proceedings, pages 573-584: “Experiences with the implementation of Eurocode 7”.

Workshop before XVI ECSMGE – September 2015

A joint workshop between ERTC 10: Evaluation of Eurocode 7 and the ISSMGE Technical Committees TC205: Safety and serviceability in geotechnical design and TC304: Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management and ISO19900 – General requirements for offshore structures, was held on Sunday 13 September 2015 just before the ECSMGE in Edinburgh. The following report of the joint workshop is based on notes prepared by Brian Simpson, Chair of TC205.

The programme of the workshop lasted from 10am to 5pm, with a break in the early afternoon so that delegates could also attend the workshop of ERTC7 – Numerical analysis.  It consisted of three sessions:

  1. Ground anchors and foundations
  2. Design dominated by water pressure
  3. Characteristic values (with ISO 19900)

Despite the difficulty of having the sessions in advance of the main conference, and parallel with many other TC workshops and the Council meeting, about 30 delegates attended and took part in vigorous discussion. Before the main meeting began, as an audience had arrived early, Brian Simpson showed a presentation that had been sent in by Prof Martin Ziegler, who unfortunately was unable to attend.  Noting that “none of the current design approaches [in EC7] is perfect”, Prof Ziegler proposed a return to the “original” formulation, retaining separate factors on materials, resistances, actions and action effects.


  1. Ground anchors and foundations (chair: Colin Smith)

A significant debate during the recent development of Eurocode 7 has been the difference in approach taken to design of ground anchors and tension piles, which, in some circumstances, perform very similar functions.  In particular, all ground anchors are required to be individually tested, but tension piles are not.  Adriaan van Seters recommending that acceptance testing be implemented on micropiles as it is on anchors.

Brian Simpson presented a summary of the work of SC7 Evolution Group 1, on a new Section 8 on Ground anchors.  Eurocode 7 takes no account of calculation as a design verification of anchors, relying entirely on the results of testing.  The terminology used in the new section was explained by thinking through the “Life story of a ground anchor”, including, testing, preloading and use during its design life.  Simpson noted the UK has found that when the new section is used in combination with factored variable loading (surcharges), the results are too conservative.

Trevor Orr spoke about Irish practice for the design of anchors, in particular the allowable creep rates adopted.  Tim Lansivaara questioned some of the factors of safety required for anchors, especially whether proof loading to high factors is really necessary.  In very soft soil it is not possible to stress anchors in retaining walls to such high factors without causing passive failure.


  1. Design dominated by water pressure (chair: Trevor Orr)

Brian Simpson presented some recent thinking on the “HYD” limit state (hydraulic heave), showing that water pressures must be assessed cautiously, taking account of the worst credible distribution of permeability, and that factors of safety are of little use in correcting for poor assessments of water pressure.

Bernd Schuppener presented a German perspective which aimed to ensure that however safety formats are changed the resulting design is unaffected and remaining the same as for previous German standards.  Hence the DA2* approach is preferred, with partial factors chosen to be equivalent to previous global factors.  The need for “robustness” in design was acknowledged, one speaker noting the need to design for the theft of dewatering pumps!


  1. Characteristic values (chair: Lovisa Moritz)

This workshop was joined by Joek Peuchen on behalf of ISO 19900, General requirements for offshore structures.  Hans Schneider presented a review of recent developments in the thinking of EC7’s Evolution Group 11, Characterization.  He discussed the characterisation of brittle soils such as quick clays for the purposes of design calculations and presented statistical approaches to derivation of characteristic values of soil strength in cases where a limited number of test results is to be combined with pre-existing knowledge.

Joek Peuchen said that resistance factoring is favoured in ISO 19900, in order to geotechnical uncertainties such as uncertainty of the zone/shape/volume of soil involved in a limit state.  The representative value of resistance, which is to be factored, is not clearly defined, as has been attempted for characteristic values are in Eurocode 7.  However, he considered that both Eurocode 7 and ISO 19900 provide inadequate or ambiguous guidance to practitioners for determination of characteristic values of soil properties.  The ISO was intended to be consistent with ISO 2394 – Reliability of structures – released in 2015, but this is work in progress.

Contact Regional Technical Committee : Evaluation of Eurocode 7