The goal of Technical Committee (TC) 202 is to apply broad engineering to bridge the gap between Pavement/Railway/Coastal Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering. The main task is to promote co-operation and exchange of information and knowledge about the geotechnical aspects in design, construction, maintenance, monitoring and upgrading of roads, railways, airfields, waterways, and harbour facilities for sustainable and resilient infrastructure. The task also covers the related environmental and climatic aspects. For these purposes, several main topics are identified and materialized in the main Task Forces of the Committee as follows.
Task Force 1. Alternative, non-traditional geomaterials (e.g. recycled, lightweight, or by-products). Leaders: Jennifer Nicks (C), with others to be added once TC membership completed.
Task Force 2. Stabilization and reinforcement of geomaterials to include mechanical, chemical, and biological methods. Leaders: Erol Tutumluer (C), Seong-Wan Park.
Task Force 3. Traditional and intelligent sensing methods, digitalization, and (big) data management and analysis for construction and condition assessment. Leaders: Anand Puppala (C), Antonio Gomes Correia, Soheil Nazarian, Andreas Loizos, with others to be added once TC membership completed.
Task Force 4. Rail track substructures, including transition zones, and transportation geodynamics. Leaders: William Powrie (C), Xuecheng Bian, Buddhima Indraratna
Task Force 5. Harbour geotechnics. Leaders: Alexandre Pinto (C), with others to be added once TC membership is completed.
Task Force 6. Climatic effects on geomaterial behaviour related to mechanics of unsaturated transportation foundations. Leaders: Yujun Cui (C), Tatsuya Ishikawa.
Task Force 7. Geotechnical asset management, including geohazard risk to transport infrastructure: hazard, risk, vulnerability, climate change, resilience and adaptation. Leaders: Mike Winter (C), Tatsuya Ishikawa, Bernardo Caicedo.
Task Force 8. Organization of TC202-hosted specialty conferences, workshops, and webinars. Leader: Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, ex Chairs, Buddhima Indraratna (5ICTG Chair), Chair 6ICTG (when decided).
- Organize and host the International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) series:
- 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (5ICTG), Sydney, Australia, November 18 - 20, 2024. Chairman Prof. Buddhima Indraratna (University of Technology Sydney).
- Focused plenary, lectern, and poster sessions, including selected workshops and short courses.
- 4th Young Transportation Geotechnics Engineers (YTGE) Meeting and Bright Spark Lectures.
- 5th Proctor Lecture.
- TC202 meeting.
- Conference proceedings. Special attention will be paid to the publication of all the peer review conference papers that will be indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters and published by ASCE Geotechnical Special Publications.
- 6th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (6ICTG) venue and exact 2028 date to be determined selected this term.
- Identify and continue holding honour lecturers for the TC202 Proctor Lecture.
- Contribute to ongoing initiatives of the ISSMGE:
- Virtual University: free courses, webinars, as well as short educational videos (e.g. the ISSMGE webinars on Intelligent Compaction and Geosynthetics Use in Transportation Geotechnics);
- ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talks (IITT): identify topic(s), speakers (including a young member(s)), and coordinate the discussion with the President.
- Online Library: explore use of the Conference Paper Review Platform to coordinate and publish TC202 conference proceedings as open access articles.
- International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories: promote contributions from TC202 members and industry links.
Task Force 9. Transportation Geotechnics; Elsevier journal of TC202. Editors-in-Chief: António Gomes Correia; Erol Tutumluer, and Yunmin Chen. First issue was published in March 2014 of this quarterly journal, which aims to publish high quality, theoretical and applied papers on all aspects of geotechnics for roads, highways, railways, airfields and waterways. Leaders: António Gomes Correia (C), Erol Tutumluer.
To maintain an international website, GeoWorld network, and email network is as important as holding several meetings for interactive communication among the TC202 members and geotechnical affiliates to share ideas, information, and technical solutions. This will further help in the dissemination of knowledge and practice. The current TC202 website is maintained by TC202 Chair Tatsuya Ishikawa:
Task Force 10. Recruiting early-career and mid-career TC202 members to secure the future of the Technical Committee and to run events to encourage and promote early career Transportation Geotechnics professionals. Leaders: Jennifer Nicks (C), with younger TC members to be added once TC membership completed supported by the Executive Group.