Evaluating temperature effects on diffusive releases from clay particles

Evaluating temperature effects on diffusive releases from clay particles

In order to investigate how temperature affects the leaching characteristics of hazardous substances, leaching tests were conducted at four different temperature conditions (10, 20, 35, and 50°C) using clay containing geogenic heavy metals and other substances. The results showed that the larger the temperature difference, the more pronounced the effect on the amount of substances leached from the soil; in the comparison between the 10°C and 20°C cases, the diffusion coefficients obtained for the 20°C case were larger with less than twofold. Between the case of 10°C and 50°C, diffusion coefficients obtained at 50°C were 5 to 20 times larger than at 10°C. Leaching tests conducted by varying the liquid-solid ratio indicated that the total mass involved in adsorption/desorption increased with increasing temperature. These results indicate the importance of considering the temperature conditions at the site of utilization in evaluating the soil leaching ratio when using clay containing geogenic hazardous substances.

A. Ogawa; Atsushi Takai; Hirofumi Sakanakura; Takeshi Katsumi

9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG2023)

Contaminant Fate and Transport
