18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

06-10-2024 to 09-10-2024

Abstract submission | WARNING

  • To submit an abstract, we invite you to respect the guidelines and the template for the document layout .

  • Authors will have to specify if they wish to present an oral communication or a poster.
  • One person can present:(1 oral communication or 1 poster) or (1 oral communication and 1 poster)
  • Abstracts will then be reviewed and selected by the18th ARCSMGE24 Scientific Committee members.
  • The selected candidates for both posters and oral communications will be notified by the 18th ARCSMGE24 Secretariat.
  • To submit multiple papers, you only need to create one web account. Please use the same account (personal access code) for any additional submission.

Procedure for submission of abstracts and papers to 18th ARCSMGE24 and their review process

For all other Authors:

  • Abstracts are submitted to the ISSMGE platform (deadline: September 15th,  2023 - Extention of the déadline to october 14th, 2023, extented to January 15th, 2024). 
  • Members of an International Review Committee analyze and accept (or reject) the abstracts.  Abstracts' status may be "pending" in the ISSMGE platform until January 20st, 2024 (deadline for abstract notification acceptance).
  • The Authors of accepted abstracts submit their papers using the available template (deadline: February 15th, 2024).
  • The Organizing Committee will send each paper for review (deadline for all reviews:March15th 2024.
  • The Authors will be informed of the result of the review process by Mars 15th, 2024. Authors should submit the revised paper until April 15th, 2024.
Editorial Board
Abdelmalek Bekkouche Lead Editor [email protected]
Mustapha Akchiche Co-Editor [email protected]
Ramdane BAHAR Co-Editor [email protected]
Sidi Mohammed Aissa Mamoune Co-Editor [email protected]
Houmadi Youcef Co-Editor [email protected]
Linda Djerbal Co-Editor [email protected]
Theme Editors

Total Publications: 116 Open in Online Library

Showing 1 to 15 of 116 entries