In association with the Joint Technical Committee on Natural Slopes and Landslides (JTC1) and the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies (FedIGS), which groups the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM), and the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG), the Colombian Geotechnical Society (SCG) organized the 13th International Symposium on Landslides (XIII ISL), from February 22nd to 26th, 2021. This event was originally scheduled to be held in face-to-face mode in Cartagena, Colombia in June 2020, but due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic it had to be postponed for eight months and rescheduled in an online platform.
The virtual conference includes the presentation of eleven (11) Keynote Lectures by Marta Lucía Calvache (Colombia), Jordi Corominas (Spain), Giovanni B. Crosta (Italy), Ken Ho (Hong Kong), Sergio Mora (Costa Rica), Charles Wang Wai Ng (Hong Kong), Dave Petley (England), Luciano Picarelli (Italy), Núria Pinyol (Spain), Ikuo Towhata (Japan), and Cees van Westen (Netherlands), and the presentations of 115 papers selected by the Technical-Scientific Sub-Committee. The presentations consist of a series of online sessions, with participants from around the World, and include a virtual commercial exhibition with the participation of software companies, manufacturers of geotechnical equipment and materials, and consulting firms. The XIII ISL Proceedings consists of 11 Keynote papers and 114 accepted papers.
The symposium and proceedings were made possible by the contributions of numerous people, organizations and sponsors, as reported in the attached PDFs containing the proceedings Prologue (XIII_ISL_Prologue.pdf).
Miguel Angel Cabrera | Lead Editor | [email protected] |
Juan Montero | Co-Editor | [email protected] |
Alfonso Ramos | Theme Editor (Effects of Landslides with Emphasis on Infrastructure and Sustainable Development) | [email protected] |
Luis Felipe Prada-Sarmiento | Theme Editor (Weather and Landslides, Landslides and Seismo-Tectonic and Volcanic Activity, Landslides and Human Activities, Effects of Landslides with Emphasis on Infrastructure and Sustainable Development, Landslides: Risk Assessment and Management) | [email protected] |
Alvaro Gonzalez | Theme Editor (Landslides: Risk Assessment and Management) | [email protected] |
Miguel Cabrera | Theme Editor (Landslides: Risk Assessment and Management, Weather and Landslides) | [email protected] |
Carlos Eduardo Rodriguez | Theme Editor (Landslides and Human Activities) | [email protected] |
Showing 31 to 45 of 125 entries